Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Who are you? What you have become?

The definition of a slave:

1. One who works extremely hard.
2. A drudge; one who labors like a slave.

The definition of slavery:

1. The practice of owning slaves.
2. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.

When most people think about slavery, they think about our history when blacks were slave on the plantation only in the southern part of America in a little as 150 years ago. I'm glad to see that we have come a long way then or have we. Slavery has not ended as a matter of fact it has gotten 1000 times worst. For the majority of the people in America, everyone who has a job including their entire families are slaves, but they may not know they are. For those that does know learned to accept it because, everyone they know are slaves too.

What about those who no longer want to be a slave, what do they do? Well the answer for that is not easy, as a matter of fact to break the thought of a slave mentality may cause you to lose your family, your friends, those who you love and are very important in your life. But as long as you remember this quote "I will allow no person's opinion, no influence to enter my mind which does not harmonize with my purpose." Napoleon Hill. You may be able to get through it.

Not everyone is going to agree with what your going to do actually most people won't. The transition is extremely difficult and it would take years, your mind going to have to be reprogrammed. Imagine this, every single thing you been told your whole life was a lie. Everything! Now how long would it take you to find out the truth? It's going to take a lot more than ten minutes.

Next we'll take you through the steps to changing the slave mentality.